
New HPLC book: Modern HPLC separations in theory and practice

by authors Lucie Nováková, Michal Douša, Petr Česla, Jiří Urban, and collective of authors.

ISBN 978-80-11-04472-5

This book is a unique combination of theory and practice, but also overviews of stationary phases, sample prep materials, and vendor’s brief presentations.

HPLC book has now its own webpage:



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Book Content


(1)  History and Development of Liquid Chromatography

(2)  Basic Concepts of Chromatographic Separations

(3)  HPLC Instrumentation

(4)  Stationary phases

(5)  Chromatographic modes

(6)  Current Trends in HPLC

(7)  Modern HPLC Practice

(8)  HPLC Method Development and Optimization

(9)  Sample Preparation for Chromatographic Analysis

(10) Preparative Chromatography

(11) Data Analysis in HPLC

(12) Method Validation in HPLC

(13) HPLC Troubleshooting


Book Price

155 € + VAT


How to buy our book

To order the book, please fill in the order form. Based on this information, we will issue an invoice including shipping. Once the payment is received, we will ship the book to you. In case of any questions, please, contact us by email store@czechhplcbook.com.


Book Publisher

Czech Chromatographic School

The Czech Chromatographic School is a non-profit private scientific association. Its goal is to bring together experts and beginners in the field of separation science from industry, academia, and vendors to share their knowledge.

The main objectives of our association are:

  • to support and carry out education in the field of separation science
  • to promote and disseminate separation science to both, scientific and general public with an emphasis on young generation
  • to search for new applications of separation science, and
  • to organize a conference HPLC.cz in Czech Republic. 



Education in the field of separation science is carried out through scientific seminars, workshops, practical trainings, and scientific conferences. Since 2008, the Czech Chromatographic School has organized seven scientific conferences which were well attended by both academics and members of the industry. The last two conference events attracted more than 150 participants. Furthermore, the Czech Chromatographic School cooperates with a wide spectrum of vendors in the form of scientific seminars and training.  The most successful event is a regular two-day practical training in HPLC in collaboration with Pragolab.

Registered office of the association: Korunní 2569/108, 101 00 Prague 10


Book partners

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